A Place Called Home!

Monday, December 27, 2010

The greatest gift of all-Jesus Christ!

In the midst of trying to create a beautiful Christmas one which lets my family know just how special they are, I find myself wanting to give my all.  I want the tree to not just be nice but to be beautiful.  From the moment they walk in the door, I want them to know this is the place where they are greatly loved. Consider the presents as an extention of the decorating, matching your style, color, etc.  Think outside the box and try something that you have not done before.  The presents this year were wrapped using the end of a roll of newsprint gotten free from a local newspaper co.  It already has a vintage look and after all it was free.  This was a little secret I learned from Traci, at Whimsy.        

 The goal is to have the present be just what the recipient wants, to make them oh and ah when they open it. I also want them to enjoy looking at the pretty presents and anticipating what is inside.  Maybe this sounds a little corny or too "Martha Stewart", but there is just something so special about receiving a gift that has been wrapped careful just for you.
The presents were tied with twine and a twig of fresh greenery.  The name of the recipient stamped on it.  Simple but so special.
On this package is a paper mache flower with a black button in the center.  Isn't that fun!
As I look at the tree and spot one of my favorite ornaments,  I am reminded of the important part the angels played in the birth of Jesus.  Announcing the birth of Jesus, "Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace goodwill to men".  God gave us His very best, the very best He could give.  Why because He loves us, each and everyone of us.  He came not to condemn the world but that through Him you might be save.  If you have not yet received that gift, do it now.  Invite Him (Jesus Christ) into your heart, to be your Lord and Savior.
He will touch your heart and you will never be the same. 
From our home to yours,
Merry Christmas!

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